UaSP provides legislative support of natural based project development and implementation including with carbon offsetting and insetting purposes for all type of land owners and project developers.
Developing natural solution (removal and avoidance) become available in Ukraine due to proposal of several international project developers. They are propose an innovative approaches for farmers and other land owners to reach a net zero via implementing climate-orientated land use technology.
On one hand carbon/biodiversity credits are innovative financial mechanisms for Ukraine facing with lack of clearance on implementation for all participants. On the other hand, the national MRV standards are not matching the international ones which creates the obstacle on the way to guaranty accurate project verification and generation high integrity carbon credits.
The Association “Ukrainian Soil Partnership” offers legislative support and consulting to develop and implement carbon reduction projects allowing to minimize the risks of project implementation for all stakeholders engaged, among others:
- Development of corporate governance structure and mechanisms
- Data exchange for monitoring and reporting processes and data protection
- Financial support and taxation mechanisms
- Full support of project implementation
Validation, monitoring, and verification of GHG emission, carbon reduction and/or carbon removal are fundamental step in responsible environmental management and a key of the net-zero strategy. The only one in Ukraine, the Association has sufficient technical, informational, methodological, expert resources to develop and implement monitoring and verification tools for project developers and proponents, land owners and carbon registers, etc. taking into account the specifics of various emissions accounting methods and customer needs:
- Monitoring and verification of carbon project implementation and carbon reduction
- Field verification for remote sensing monitoring
- Data collection, processing and visualization for ESG reporting
- Developing data exchange protocols and harmonising data from different sources
- Field surveys and laboratory analyses of land conditions including but not limited land use types (forests, wetlands, soil properties), vegetational, contamination, carbon content and etc.
- Harmonization of national monitoring and verification methodologies projects with international standards (ISO 14001, 14064 and etc)
ESG reporting aims to increases the company value and investment attractiveness as well as loyalty of counterparties and relief company’s green transition following the Green Deal, CBAM and other ESG framework requirements.
However, creating a sustainability report can be challenging to meet all relevant requirements and emphasize the company’s on-going ESG achievements. In addition, companies need to establish performance indicators, baseline ESG indicators that will allow the company to fulfil its commitments in a timely manner and in accordance with the audit requirements without any reputational risks.
The UaSP experts will conduct a qualitative analysis of the company, recommend types of reporting, help select or develop a system of baseline indicators, and assist in the preparation, registration and submission of reports.
- Preparation, registration and submission of TSFD, CDP, GRI, Eco Vadis, SCRD, TNFD and other
- Development of a system of social and environmental monitoring indicators for the enterprise in line with the ISO standards
- To develop or improve company’s sustainable development, carbon management, energy management and etc.
- To provide audit of emissions accounting at the enterprise (not certified) and many others
Transitioning to a sustainable and responsible approach to business is not just an imperative, but an opportunity that allows organisations to create new forms of competitive advantage, invent new business models and improve the efficiency of existing ones, remain control on climate change risks, stimulate innovation and develop more inclusive management styles.
However, the transition to sustainable management remains complex and ambiguous for most businesses. It demands full engagement and interaction of all company’s unites and stakeholders in alien with defined ESG goals, within and beyond its supply chains.
Association “Ukrainian Soil Partnership” supports managers and executives providing the sustainable transition for their company, via defining and implementing relevant sustainable approaches (including carbon reduction via supply chain) to company’s development strategy. Therefore, our experts offer the following list of services:
- Implementation of carbon accounting at the enterprise
- Supply chain assessment including upstream and downstream stakeholders mapping
- Assessment company’s needs and resource to reduce carbon within the supply chain (quality of available resources, risks, etc.)
- Supply chain decarbonization solutions
- Development of carbon offsetting project portfolio
- Climate risks assessment and its integration to business processes
- Materiality assessment
- Adaptation to climate change of enterprises, communities, etc. (increasing climate change resilience)
- Waste management and biodiversity strategy
- Adaptation to international and European regulation on sustainable development and climate change prevention (CABM, GLA, GBC, etc.)
- Education and training of specialists in the management of the emissions system at the enterprise
The transition to sustainable development brings financial risk and opportunities for companies.
Carbon management, actions aimed at improving biodiversity, and the transition to social management models can be both loss-making and profitable for each organisation. In order to turn a negative into a positive in operational activities, avoid financial risks associated with the implementation of green initiatives and environmental taxation, and successfully invest in green initiatives, the UaSP experts will help with:
- Supporting investments in carbon projects, selecting high-quality offset projects, supporting the acquisition of carbon credits, selecting and registering a project (indirect carbon management – carbon offsetting projects)
- Development of business models for carbon projects
- Modelling the value of carbon in company investment projects and in its existing operating model
- Assessing the impact of the European environmental taxonomy on business models
“Technology transfer” is in fact a structural learning process. The key components of transfer can be defined as knowledge gained from experience where it has already been implemented and successfully worked, together with the human expertise to transform this knowledge into action.
Successful technology transfer requires clear coordination between technology developers and users; an enabling environment that supports entrepreneurship; and networks and collaborations that provide reference cases for information, finance and other relevant resources.
The uniqueness of the UaSP technology training and transfer offer is grounded on wide networks of farmers, village communities and other land owners, pool of highly experiences and leading experts and understanding of main challenges for technology adoption in Ukraine. It allows us to tailored trainings responding to particular needs.
The Association has a strong partner base, cooperating with all stakeholders in the chain from the field to the government: farmers, agricultural producers, community representatives, scientific and educational organisations, partner NGOs, international donor organisations and government representatives
- Preparation and conduct of training workshops and seminars
- Farmers’ field schools
- Online courses and content for online channels
- Individual selection of technology and its deployment